Geoff Goodhue
Phone: 802-751-9757 (no texts)
Email: ggoodhue@clivusne.com

Bryan Bowers
Born in Yorktown, Virginia, Bryan Bowers was raised in New Bohemia near Petersburg of the Civil War’s Battle Of The Crater fame. As a child, Bowers would tag along with the field workers and gandy dancers and learned to sing old call-and-answer songs. Bowers recalls, “The music I heard while working in the fields was mesmerizing. And, I’d see the gandy dancers coming down the tracks, setting the rails, and getting their ties straight. You’ve heard that song `Whup Boys, Can’t you line ’em?, Chack a lack.’ Whup Boys, can’t you line ’em? was the call the leader would sing. Chack a lack was the bounce-back of the hammer after falling on the pin. I just thought that music was something that everyone did. It was years later that I realized what I’d been raised around.”

Danny Knicely
Danny has won many awards for his mandolin, guitar, fiddle, and flat-foot dance expertise, including first place in the mandolin contest at the prestigious Telluride Bluegrass Festival. His masterful mandolinistry and original compositions can be heard on his debut recording “Roots and Branches” and his colorful, versatile, acoustic guitar picking can be heard on his “Waltz for Aimee” album.
Danny is an avid music educator whose students have gone on to attain degrees at institutions such as Berklee College of Music and Oberlin Conservatory. He has also taught at some of the leading music camps in the U.S. including Augusta Heritage Center, Common Ground on the Hill, Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival, and Millwood Blues Week.